The CNN anchor lectured detractors for living in an information ‘silo.’

Anderson Cooper is getting raked over the coals after mounting a defense of CNN for hosting a town hall with Donald Trump that has been widely criticized across the board. Even Fox News couldn’t believe what they saw as Trump not only spread lies but smeared E. Jean Carroll less than 24 hours after a jury found him liable for sexually abusing and defaming the author.
In Cooper’s defense, he started out by fully agreeing with the condemnation of Trump’s rhetoric.
“Many of you have expressed deep anger and disappointment,” Cooper said. “Many of you are upset that someone who attempted to destroy our democracy was invited to sit on a stage in front of a crowd of Republican voters to answer questions and predictably continued to spew lie, after lie, after lie. I get it. It was disturbing.”
However, things went south when Cooper chose to criticize detractors of the town hall event by accusing them of living in an information “silo.”
Via USA Today:
“The man you were so disturbed to see last night, that man is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president,” Cooper said. “You have every right to be outraged today, angry and never watch this network again, but do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?”
Cooper’s lecture did not go over well on social media where people were quick to point out on how fast the CNN anchor kicked his longtime friend Kathy Griffin to the curb after her infamous Trump photo sparked a controversy.
Funny how he’s lecturing folks when this is guy who distanced himself w the quickness when Kathy Griffin held up a mask with ketchup smeared on it. https://t.co/zSwImKKrxR
— José (@josecanyousee) May 12, 2023
I still think about how quickly Anderson Cooper threw Kathy Griffin to the wolves, just real show-who-you-are shit.
— Joe Reid (@joereid) May 12, 2023
Anybody who followed how Anderson Cooper left Kathy Griffin in the dust could not be the least bit surprised by this. https://t.co/WEe2qRSdfm pic.twitter.com/xFvarYem9v
— Stangela Lansbury (He/Him) (@JMayLAX) May 12, 2023
Please. Remind me how you reacted when Kathy Griffin held up a $9 halloween mask covered in ketchup? https://t.co/jJ4iEx5GWx
— Keith Edwards (@keithedwards) May 12, 2023
Yeah, I'm not gonna be lectured to by a guy who turned his back on Kathy Griffin so quickly when everyone else was piling on her just so he could protect his *reputation* at CNN.
At this point, Jim Acosta and Oliver Darcy are the only people I respect at CNN. #CNNFail https://t.co/xPyCN0dhwg— BoloSassy&Me
(@HesalroadDawn) May 12, 2023
As for other Twitter users, they didn’t appreciate Cooper’s condescension and blasted the anchor for pretending like everyone doesn’t know what Donald Trump’s views are by now. The guy’s been running for president since 2015, and that’s not counting his threats to run so he could get a better Celebrity Apprentice contract.
Embarrassing from Cooper. I'm aware that countering the American lurch into fascism is a prolonged and exhaustive battle, and I accept it will occur on many platforms. I can also abhor a platform that indulges and coddles that fascism — and all those who draw pay from such. https://t.co/Da6Z49PxyV
— David Simon (@AoDespair) May 12, 2023
“Listening to people you disagree with” and “giving a sexual predator/nazi a stage for the their propaganda” are two very different things. https://t.co/y4U2Xk6Tc4
— jessica♡ (@ItsMrsRabbitToU) May 12, 2023
Sorry Anderson. I have no problem with opposing viewpoints. I do have a problem with a sexual predator who continues to peddle rigged election disinformation, gives aid and comfort to those who tried to end our Democracy, and those that give him a platform to peddle the lies. https://t.co/RzbPYOZFSL
— Derrick
(@Spawn_03) May 12, 2023
You’re right, @andersoncooper. We never hear anything at all about what MAGA voters are thinking. It’s a total fucking mystery. https://t.co/YfrHv0jyMu
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) May 12, 2023
This is a Trumpian level of delusion, @CNN. You chose journalistic malpractice for the sake of ratings. We don’t need a civics lecture from you. You have no credibility. https://t.co/YFQLkWkDcb
— Bradley Whitford (@BradleyWhitford) May 12, 2023
I've always trusted Anderson Cooper as a journalist. But not this time. CNN's showcasing of Trump wasn't news, it told us nothing new, including the audience support of his lies & bullying. Silos were reinforced not breached or broken. #FreshStrong#DemVoice1 https://t.co/r03inojh56
— Feisty & Fierce (@LMerritt1) May 12, 2023
Fuck this.
I do not find it “upsetting” to hear Trump and his followers, and do not need to be patronized like I am some naive child. I find it grossly objectionable that a bigoted, misogynistic sexual predator was given a free stage to play to an audience of his fans. https://t.co/bO9sWxIzq0
— Daniel Summers (@WFKARS) May 12, 2023
*a ton of people get pissed at me for starting a massive wildfire*
Me, smugly: staying in your opinion silos won’t make this fire go away https://t.co/ix8ROHIfax
— Becca Lewis (@beccalew) May 12, 2023
(Via USA Today)